Welcome to Open Data Centre for Alberta Urban Real Estate

The Open Data Centre for Alberta Urban Real Estate promotes data-driven local research most relevant to Albertans by providing high-quality and free-to-use neighbourhood/community level data for real estate industry professionals, researchers, policymakers, and the general public. Its data collection focuses on describing neighbourhoods and communities in urban Alberta. It integrates and aggregates data from many sources in one accessible place, allowing users to access the data anytime, anywhere. It currently covers the cities of Edmonton and Calgary

From the “Data Collection” tab, you will be able to explore the collection organized in the following categories: “Neighbourhood Profile”, “Properties and Property Assessment”, “Building Activity”, “Real Estate Market Activity”, “Amenities”, “Businesses”, and “Local Economy and Labour Market”. The data are presented both numerically and visually as overlays on maps of Edmonton and Calgary. You can select a specific neighbourhood/community for detailed information. From the “Download” tab, you will be able to download the data behind the maps. “Neighbourhood Report Card” provides a neighbourhood-by-neighbourhood overview.

This project is made possible through a grant from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.
Data Partners/Sources*

We acknowledge our debt to the following organizations that have kindly provided us with their valuable data

  • Realtors Associations of Edmonton
  • Alberta Land Titles
  • City of Edmonton
  • Edmonton Public School Board
  • AltaLIS

and the following sources of open-access data

  • Edmonton Open Data Portal
  • Open Calgary
  • Government of Alberta Open Data
  • Statistics Canada
 * The Open Data Centre for Alberta Urban Real Estate is responsible for potential errors in the integration, aggregation, and presentation process of the underlying data.